If you have been thinking about going on a camping trip during the cooler Fall or Winter months, your camping and equipment list will differ from the items that you would normally bring when taking a trip during the warmer months. The items that are going to be necessary to bring will be completely dependent on how low the temperature is actually going to drop. While cool weather will require you to pack jackets, warm clothes, and extra blankets, colder weather that may lead to snow will require your packing list to be much more extensive. It’s important that you do plenty of research on weather trends in the area you will be staying in, and how cold it is actually going to be for the duration of your trip. This way you are ensuring that you will be completely prepared, and a super fun and successful camping trip can be achieved.
If you will be camping in cold weather, it may be a good idea to bring:
- Warm clothing— Not only will you want to keep warm with a comfortable sweater or hoodie, but it’s also wise to bring along a jacket that can repel rain in case of inclement weather. Avoid tight clothing because it reduces blood flow and stay away from clothing fabricated from cotton, as it takes longer than other materials to dry. The neck, head, and feet are areas of great heat loss so wearing scarves, hats, and thick socks can help to prevent this. Mittens, gloves, warm shoes, and other clothing with insulated liners are all great for keeping warm.
- Waterproof items— When it comes to cold weather, staying dry is crucial in order to stay warm. The more waterproof items you will be able to find- such as socks, shoes, blankets, etc., the better off you will be.
- Portable heaters— Portable heaters are a great way to add even more heat to your RV or tent. Be sure not to leave these electronics on and running while sleeping or away from camp however, because fires can easily occur.
- Matches, lighters, and fuel— It’s crucial to bring enough fuel such as tinder, kindling, and wood, as well as a means of lighting this fuel on fire. Lighters are easy to use and waterproof matches are convenient because you won’t have to worry about them getting wet.
- Proper food storage— Food items such as eggs, canned food, water, and even your toothpaste can freeze solid in temperatures below thirty degrees. Proper storage will help prevent this from happening.
- Plenty of warm bedding and blankets— Blankets and comforters made of wool are extremely warm and perfect for sticking in your sleeping bag. It is also important to prevent your body from losing heat to the Earth by placing a blanket, mattress pad, or something of the sort underneath you between yourself and the cold ground.
If you are unsure of how cold it will be during your trip, or if the area you will be traveling to is known for unpredictable weather, your best bet is to bring clothes that you can layer. This way you will be able to choose the appropriate amount of clothing according to the current temperature and weather. When it comes to packing, especially if you will be in a remote area away from convenience stores, it is always better to over pack and be safe rather than sorry.
For the best tent and RV campgrounds in Texas, visit Bethy Creek Resort. Located on the north end of Lake Livingston, Bethy Creek offers RV campsites in Texas, beautiful cabins, and wooded tent sites, with plenty of fishing, cable wakeboarding, and other amenities on site. Learn more at www.BethyCreek.com.