Why You Should Go Camping

Home » Why You Should Go Camping

You’ve been thinking about scheduling that camping trip, so here are five great reasons why you shouldn’t wait any longer!

To Connect with Nature

You don’t have to be Smokey the Bear or a Mountain Man to enjoy being outside. There’s something uniquely rewarding about waking up outside, far away from the hustle of a city, crawling out of your tent, and being in a grove of trees. You can’t imagine how much better you will feel just to be outside, breathing fresh air, and getting some Vitamin D. Sitting around a campfire with a clear sky, gazing up at the stars will provide a great break from the everyday routine of work. Let your mind relax in a tranquil place!

To Get in an Extra Workout

What will you do while camping? What if you don’t like to fish? What if you don’t have a boat? Bethy Creek has boat rentals- from pontoon boats, to canoes and kayaks, and paddleboats. You don’t have to just fish. You can ski, wakeboard, or take a boat for a swim in the middle of the lake instead of right on shore. Who needs a gym for a great workout? Paddleboats, kayaks, and canoes can all provide great workouts without even feeling like you are doing something healthy for your body. Not to mention all the walking, swimming, and carrying you will be doing. You will just be having fun but you’ll also gain something from it too!

To Have Fun with Your Family

            Camping is great team building. Everyone must work together setting up camp, taking down camp, making food, etc. It’s also a great time to teach your kids outdoor skills that your parents taught you. Get them involved with setting up the tent, explain how to build a fire, or have a competition to see who can identify the most bird species. Without the distraction of TV, other friends, or the Internet, you’ll really be able to bond and make lasting memories. 

To Take a Break from Technology

While Bethy Creek has Wi-Fi, being out here is the perfect time to turn off the phones and relax in a hammock. Enjoying being outside doesn’t require any gadgets or extra technology! Just the simple beauty and charm of the outdoors, which is 100% free and always streaming! Facebook will still be there Monday morning and your followers can miss you for one weekend. 

The Campground Experience

            The friendships that develop with other campers can’t be explained- you just have to experience it. There is something about being in that relaxed state of mind that puts everyone in a good mood. The camaraderie with other campers is not like anything you will find on a trip staying in a hotel. The opportunity to meet others and experience other views, cultures, and ideas is a wonderful way to expand your mind and learn more about your world.


So what are you waiting for? Plan a weekend out at Bethy Creek today!